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Proper Roof Repair in Herndon, VA and Other Home Winterization Tips

According to the Virginia Department of Emergency Management, winters in Virginia can be punishing: “Winters in Virginia can mean snow or subfreezing temperatures, as well as strong winds or even ice or heavy rain storms. Winter weather can knock out heat, power and communications services to your home or office, sometimes for days at a time.” To prepare for adverse winter conditions, homeowners will need to update their emergency supply kits, and store adequate clothing and blankets to keep the family warm.

Homes need to be winterized during the fall to ensure greater energy savings when the temperatures plummet. Gutters will need to be cleared of leaves and other debris by hand, scraper, or spatula. Once this has been accomplished, gutters should be given a thorough rinse with the hose. By keeping gutters free of debris, the approaching winter’s rain and melting snow can drain away easily.

Proper Roof Repair in Herndon, VA and Other Home Winterization Tips image

According to contractors who specialize in roof repair in Herndon, clogged drains can form ice dams, which can cause precipitation to seep into the home and cause structural damage. Homeowners should perform ocular inspections while cleaning their gutters, and look for signs of leaks and misaligned pipes. Just as importantly, homeowners need to ensure that downspouts are diverting water away from the home’s foundation to prevent flooding and other kinds of water damage.

Roofs need to be inspected as well, either by a professional contractor or by the homeowner. Roofs should also be checked for missing or damaged shingles (which need to be replaced), while flashing around chimneys and other structural components should be assessed to identify leaks and other sources of water damage. Roof repair contractors like NV Roofing can clean roofs, ensuring that the coverings are free from debris, pests, and broken branches.

Debris and pests, in particular, can compromise the structural integrity of roofing systems, leading to further damage when severe weather strikes. The existing buildup of debris will increase the weight of roofs when ice or snow begins to fall, leading to serious structural damage and even collapse. A Herndon, VA roofing repair contractor can clear away clogs and debris and reinforce your roof’s structural integrity before the onset of winter for your optimum protection.

Inside the home, homeowners can lower their energy bills and enjoy greater monetary savings by reinforcing the insulation. Insulation should be added between walls, and in the attic and basement ceiling. Draft snakes or door sweeps can be added under drafty doors, while gaps should be sealed with caulking and weatherstripping.

(Article Excerpt and Image from Winter Weather; Virginia Department of Emergency Management)

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